Templating API

Use our templating API to create an iframe for creating projects from Marq within your own web app.

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GET /brandTemplates

Get brand templates for authenticated users.

Response format

A JSON list of brand templates. The format for a brand template is:

title: string,
thumbnail: string,
categories: string,
createNew: string,

Additional descriptions

  • thumbnail: a url points to the thumbnail of the template
  • categories: a url points to an array of associated template category values

The following additional endpoints are available:

  • GET /users/:userId/press/templateCategories
  • POST /users/:userId/press/templateCategories
  • PUT /users/:userId/press/templateCategories
  • GET /templateCategories/:categoryId
  • PUT /templateCategories/:categoryId
  • DELETE /templateCategories/:categoryId
  • GET /templateCategories/:categoryId/values
  • POST /templateCategories/:categoryId/values
  • PUT /templateCategories/:categoryId/values
  • GET /templateCategoryValues/:valueId
  • PUT /templateCategoryValues/:valueId
  • DELETE /templateCategoryValues/:valueId
  • GET /templateCategoryValues/projects?docIds

The root URL for all these endpoints is https://app.marq.com/documents. For more details about these endpoints, see https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/ericchen8lucid/BrandTemplate 

Query String API

GET /projects/editNew/:templateId

Creates a new document using the template with id :templateId. To create or set custom document smart fields on the new document, append query string parameters of the form `custom_document_smart_field_<smart field name>`.

Request format

custom_document_smart_field_<Name>: field value
downloadLabel: the label of the download button
requesterId: the identifier for postback endpoint
download: true (this sets the download flow)

To automatically apply a data item upon creation of the new document, append the following query string parameters:

dataSetId: ID of data set or name of data set the data item is in
key: name of key to search
value: value to match on

If the data set is a property listings data set, this can be simplified to appending this single query parameter:

propertyId: MLS Number


https://app.marq.com/projects/editNew/44241f34-523b-3d0a-9c6d-380c0a00d946?custom_document_smart_field_Name=Abraham Lincoln

The above example would do the following:

  • Create a new document based on the blank template
  • Prepopulate a custom document smart field with the value "Abraham Lincoln".
https://app.marq.com/projects/editNew/44241f34-523b-3d0a-9c6d-380c0a00d946?dataSetId=Test Data Set&key=Column1&value=test

The above example would do the following:

  • Create a new document based on the blank template
  • Preapply the data item in the data set named "Test Data Set" where "Column1" is "test"