SAML Update Instructions

ADFS specific instructions

  1. From the Marq SAML page, select “Download Metadata” to download the Marq metadata. Save the metadata in a location accessible to the ADFS server. (Note: If the url in the browser starts with when you download the metadata, there is one extra step you need to take in step 4)
    pasted image 0.png
  2. Open ADFS and right click on “Relying Party Trust.” Select “Add Relying Party Trust” from the menu to open the Add Relying Party Trust Wizard.
    pasted image 0.png
  3. Click through the Welcome screen. On the Select Data Source screen, select “Import data about the relying party from a file.” Choose “Browse” and locate the Marq metadata file. Complete the remaining settings based on your organization's preferences.
    pasted image 0.png
  4. Open the Endpoints configuration for your Marq relying party trust.  You will need to add another endpoint to accommodate for ADFS storing the incoming sign-on URL against the supplied ACS/reply URL. The settings should be:
  5. Right-click on the Marq Relying Party Trust and select “Edit Claim Rules.” Add a claim rule using LDAP and configure the claim rule to match the attributes and claim types shown below. Then click “Finish.”pasted image 0.png
  6. Open the Identifiers configuration for your Marq relying party trust.  You will need to add another Relying party identifier: marq.comimage.png

Azure specific instructions

  1. Go to Azure Active Directory -> Enterprise Applications and click on the Lucidpress application you created previously
  2. Go to Single sign-on
  3. Click on Edit in the Basic SAML Configuration box
  4. Add as a new Identifier (Entity ID) but leave the old lucidpress url as the default until after the deadline.
  5. Add a new URL ([Your_Domain]) to Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL) but leave the old lucidpress url as the default until after the deadline.
  6. Change the “Sign on URL (Optional)” field to[Your_Domain]



  1. Change all the URLs under SAML Settings to use[Your_Domain]



  1. Update all URLs in Configuration -> Application details to use[Your_Domain]image.png

Optional Instructions for ADFS if you don’t want to create a new app

  1. From the Marq SAML page, select “Download Metadata” to download the Marq metadata. Save the metadata in a location accessible to the ADFS server. (Note: If the url in the browser starts with when you download the metadata, there is one extra step you need to take in step 3)
    pasted image 0.png
  2. Run the following command in Powershell as admin:
    Update-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName '[app name]' -MetadataFile '[full path to metadata file]'


  3. Open the Endpoints configuration for your Marq relying party trust.  You will need to add another endpoint to accommodate for ADFS storing the incoming sign-on URL against the supplied ACS/reply URL. The settings should be:
  4. Open the Identifiers configuration for your Marq relying party trust.  You will need to add another Relying party identifier: