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CMYK colors for print
Our printing partner uses the CMYK color model. The acronym refers to the colors Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (black), which are the colors of the printing plates used for the masking.
Our printing partner uses the CMYK color model, which is a process that creates color by subtracting brightness from a white background by masking light. The acronym refers to the colors Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (black), which are the colors of the printing plates used for the masking. This model differs from the additive RGB color model that creates colors by adding the brightness of primary colors - Red, Green, and Blue - to a black background. Just so you know, if you are designing your project using the RGB color scheme, the colors may turn out slightly different in the printed version, as they must first be translated into CMYK.
If you use smart checks and your project is flagged for using both CYMK and RGB, It would be recommended to change your content to CYMK (if intended for print). Refer to this article for adapting your colors to the correct color profile.